Part 86: Chapter 7 Quiz
Music: Play It Again
While I was enjoying some good scotch, Summer barged in. I told him that Helen was Alan's mother, then split before he talked more. After leaving the bar, I ran into...



Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

But something about how sad she looked stayed with me. After talking with Rosa, I decided to get the hotel Christmas tree out of storage. Figured a tree with all the trimmings might pick the kid's spirits up. The room where I found the tree was...

Really, Kyle? You just told us the answer literally 3 dialogue boxes ago!
Rosa's room


Music: Midnight

You mean decorated it with Melissa.
Music: Play It Again

She looked pretty happy to celebrate Christmas, even if it was three days late. Couple of other people heard about the tree and came down to join us. First was Mila, and then...



Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

After Melissa fell asleep, Louie took her back to her room. Mila and I were left in the storage room, so I got out my notebook. That's when I learned that Mila's father owned his own business. The name of it was...

Seven Stars

Moonlight Grill

Gallery May
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

He said they were talking about Gallery May. That's when I decided to ask the two of them some questions. But when I went to 216 to see Iris, I learned something else. A mystery man broke into Iris's room and nicked something from her. The thief made off with...
The "Iris's" part is the game's fault.

A matchbook

A fountain pen

A small envelope
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

Evening wasn't a total bust, though. Kevin tied one on, and I waved the fumes away long enough to grill him. He told me Melissa's mom, Grae, worked at a place called Gallery May. Also told me about some malpractice suit he lost a few years back. But I need to know how Grace raised the money to pay the thing off.
Music: Silent Moon